Sandbox tools

As far as I know, the concept of a sandbox and the tools mksb and mk come from the OSF Development Environment (ODE).

The scripts described here implement the idea but not necessarily in a compatible manner.


A sandbox is simply a software source tree with a special file .sandbox-env which serves both to mark the location of the sandbox (the variable SB is set to the directory where .sandbox-env was found) and provide a set of environment variables for it.

Below we describe some of the tools that work within this ecosystem. I've been using this setup since 2000 and find it very useful.


This is the most commonly used tool. In a nutshell its job is to condition the environment and run make.

Actually it runs whatever the functions on the mk_run_hooks list run. The default is mk_exec_make which will exec ${REQUESTED_MAKE:-${REAL_MAKE:-${SB_MAKE_CMD:-${MAKE:-make}}}}. This arrangement allows a lot of flexibility.

In this implementation, mk is sourced by both mksb and workon to handle environment setup in a consistent manner. Each sets MYNAME to its canonical name.

The following files are read (if they exist) in this order:


SB_TOOLS is of course the directory where mk and friends are found. Using *.d/*.rc makes it very easy to extend.

Actually $HOME/.sandboxrc is just the default value for SB_RCFILES. Users can do similar via $HOME/.sandboxrc, I use:

source_rc $HOME/sb-env.d/*.rc
source_rc $HOME/$MYNAME.d/*.rc

add_hooks mk_setup_hooks my_projects
my_projects() {
    # we have SB_PROJECT by now
    source_rc $HOME/sb-project.d/$SB_PROJECT.rc
    return 0

Any of the above can contribute hook functions called via run_hooks to control the behavior. For example:

. $SB_TOOLS/test_opt.h

# set test_L to -L or -h
test_opt L -h

add_hooks mk_target_machine_hooks mk_target_machine_xtra

mk_target_machine_xtra() {
    case "$MACHINE" in

add_hooks sb_init_hooks sb_project

# canonicalize SB_PROJECT
sb_project() {

    case "$_p" in
        # other setup....

results in each app calling sb_project early and for mk calling mk_target_machine_xtra from mk_target_machine.

The last : just ensures a happy return code (return 0 would work too), since by default run_hooks stops if any hook returns non-zero. This is handy when using run_hooks to allow customizing command line options, if a hook consumes an argument it returns non-zero and the search stops.

The function source_rc sets source_dir to the directory in which a file is found which makes it easier for then to source other files in the same or related directories.

After the global rc files have been read we run:

sb_run_hooks begin

which expands to:

run_hooks sb_begin_hooks
run_hooks ${varMyname}_begin_hooks
run_hooks ${varMYNAME}_begin_hooks

assuming ${varMyname} and ${varMYNAME} are different. These variables are derived from Myname and MYNAME in a manner to ensure they are valid shell variable names.

Next mk searches upwards from the current directory for the file .sandbox-env. If found, its location defines SB. If not found mk will run mk_no_sb_hooks with the last entry being mk_no_sb which will throw an error. A prior function on that list could return non-zero. For example:

add_hooks mk_no_sb_hooks maybe_default_sb
maybe_default_sb() {
    case "$here" in
        export SB=$here
        export MAKESYSPATH=.../share/mk:.../mk:/usr/share/mk
        return 1
    return 0

Once SB is known, it reads (if they exist):


We then run:

sb_run_hooks init

and then read:


After all the rc files have been read, we run more hook functions:

sb_run_hooks setup

Some apps run others as well. For example, mk runs mk_cmd_hooks. After any application specific hooks are run we do:

sb_run_hooks finish

Finally mk runs adds mk_exec_make (which will exec ${REAL_MAKE:-make}) to mk_run_hooks and runs:

sb_run_hooks run $MK_MAKEFLAGS "$@"

If other functions are in mk_run_hooks they can exec, or exit to prevent mk_exec_make being called.

mk provides mk_run_make as an alternative to mk_exec_make. Both will run mk_pre_run_hooks before they exec/run make, but mk_run_make will run mk_post_run_hooks afterwards and then exit with the saved status from make. This allows for cases where it is desired to wrap the running of make by other operations.


With the following exceptions, anything on the mk command line is expected to be consumed by $REAL_MAKE.

If any of these options are used, they must appear before anything else:

Calls the __doc function. The default implementation in simply displays the documentation embedded in the script. It then runs any doc_hooks.
Calls the __docs function. The default implementation in simply displays the documentation embedded in the script followed by any block comments marked by ##[*=~_-]. It then runs any docs_hooks.

--help [topic]

Calls the __help function. The default implementation in runs any ${MYNAME}_help_hooks, if none found it calls ${MYNAME}_help if it exists and if all else fails calls __docs.

If an argument is provided it is treated as a topic and refines the functions we look for.

See mk --docs for details.

--machine [MAKELEVEL,]MACHINE[,...]

Calls mk_target_machine to set MACHINE to the value provided.

If the tuple provided starts with a numeric it is used to set MAKELEVEL and the remainder used for MACHINE, and if it is also a tuple we set TARGET_SPEC to the full tuple while MACHINE is set to just the first element.

It also sets REQUESTED_MACHINE so that the build can tell the difference between this case and a default value of MACHINE.

The same result happens if mk is invoked as mk-$MACHINE.


Sometimes it is handy to override the REAL_MAKE that would normally be used.

Note that the form --help= topic works as well:


If mk is invoked with a name like mk-* it behaves exactly as if run as mk --machine *. That is the part of its name after mk- is treated as a TARGET_SPEC tuple.

Thus mk-host is a convenient means of building things for the pseudo MACHINE host, while mk-host32 takes care of the 32bit variant.

Similar links can be made for other commonly used TARGET_SPEC tuples.


This is an optional tool, though I find it very handy.

$ workon NetBSD/current

will find the sandbox called NetBSD/current chdir into it, set the environment up (as per mk) and run my shell. I can then make use of variables like $SB and others setup by .sandbox-env.

I have mksb export the sandbox name in a variable that will be included in my shell prompt:

tty_tag() {
        # I use this in the xterm title bar (among other things)
        expShellVars TTY_TAG

add_hooks mksb_env_finish_hooks tty_tag

You can also use it as a one command thing:

$ workon FreeBSD/current command

will do as above, but instead of running my shell, it will run command and exit when it does.


The ev (.sandbox-env) file can be created manually of course, or it can be created by a tool; mksb which can also handle initial check-out of the source tree.

Using mksb we can hide details like the SCM used by a given project, or the URL of the repository, etc. This allows those to be changed over time, without the need for users (or robots) to change their operations. When you have 1000's of developers and dozens of projects that's very handy.

Note that mksb itself is just an engine, it is told the SB_PROJECT that a sandbox is being created for and a set of site specific hook functions do the actual work.

Apart from running lots of hooks, mksb provides a number of functions to help populate .sandbox-env:

expShellVars VAR ...

Simply adds VAR=value; export VAR

expShellDefVars VAR ...

Like expShellVars but adds VAR=${VAR:-value}; export VAR

expShellLiteralVars VAR ...

Like expShellVars but uses single quotes. This is useful for cases like: MAKEOBJDIR='${.CURDIR:S,${SRCTOP},${OBJTOP},}' which is to be interpreted by 'bmake' rather than the shell.

These functions all filter their output so that any variables listed in MKSB_SED_ENV_VARS_MIN and MKSB_SED_ENV_VARS appear rather than their expansions. This helps when the sandbox might be shared via NFS by avoiding hard coded paths.

If a variable in the above lists ends with / then only a directory boundary will be considered a match. Thus if $OS is FreeBSD and OS/ is in MKSB_SED_ENV_VARS then /FreeBSD/ will be replaced with /${OS}/ but other instances of FreeBSD would be left alone.

The hooks are run in several stages so that earlier ones can influence later ones:

run_hooks mksb_begin_hooks
run_hooks mksb_pre_create_hooks

now we actually create $SB, then:

run_hooks mksb_init_hooks
run_hooks mksb_setup_hooks

and initialize .sandbox-env, then:

run_hooks mksb_env_init_hooks
run_hooks mksb_env_setup_hooks
run_hooks mksb_env_hooks
run_hooks mksb_env_finish_hooks

at this point .sandbox-env is generally complete and read by mksb, then we run:

run_hooks mksb_checkout_init_hooks
run_hooks mksb_checkout_setup_hooks
run_hooks mksb_checkout_hooks
run_hooks mksb_checkout_finish_hooks
run_hooks mksb_finish_hooks


Because mksb is a much more complicated script than say mk it uses to process its command line.

Apart from supporting both long and short options, also handles VAR=VALUE assignments - with special handling if needed.

--expShellVars=VAR[=value] --expShellDefVars=VAR[=value] --expShellLiteralVars=VAR[=value]

As described above for expShellVars etc. If no value is provided, it is assumed to have been set already on the command line.

Support scripts

The tools above can make use of many of the scripts below.

A shell equivalent of atexit(3).

It provides atexit to register commands to be executed when the script exits.

It also provides Exit which should be used to set ExitStatus to ensure that the desired exit status survives the trap dance used to make this work.

Provides a set of functions that allow for flexible tracing of shell scripts.

DEBUG_SH can be set to a comma separated list of tokens that will be checked when a script calls DebugOn or DebugOff.

For example; if DEBUG_SH=sb_hooks,mk_find_sb then sb_hooks will be traced since it calls DebugOn sb_hooks at the start and DebugOff sb_hooks at the end. Similarly mk_find_sb will be traced.

This is a more complex option handling facility for shell scripts. It handles short options in a manner compatible with as well as long options using the same conventions.


long_opt_str="__prefix:a __dot:a. __comma:a, __flag:b __doit:f
__q __*"



will get be set to its argument (consuming next word if needed). That is; both --prefix=/tmp and --prefix /tmp will set __prefix to /tmp.


will accumulate arguments separated by opt_dot (space)


will accumulate arguments separated by opt_comma (,)


is a boolean, it will get its argument or 1 if a bare --flag is seen, so --flag and --flag=1 are equivalent, --flag=0 is the negative.


is a function that will be called with any argument (must use the --doit=argument form).


will be set to any argument (again requires --q=argument) or --q which is handy for passing it on.


means that any unrecognized option will be treated in the same manner as --q. Without this an error will result.

If --unknown-opts=func is seen before any user args, any unknown options will be passed to func. The default is $opt_unknown (_unknown_opt), a useful alternative is _copy_unknown_opt. A rather complex chain of option handlers can be constructed by using

Tests whether we can trust the return code from the type builtin, and provides a function have which can be used to test if a command or function is available.

Provides an API for defining lists of hook functions and running them at appropriate times.

add_hooks list function [...]

Adds function to $list

run_hooks list [LIFO] [args]

Run each of the functions in $list passing them any args.

Processing stops if a function returns !0

If the first arg is LIFO the list is run in reverse order.

run_hooks_all list [LIFO] [args]

As for run_hooks but all functions are run regardless of return values.

Tests whether we are using a POSIX shell so we can safely use some of its cool features when available.

It sets $isPOSIX_SHELL which will be true or false.

Similar to, provides on_error to register commands to execute when we call Error (also provided) to terminate the script.

Error sets ExitStatus to ensure compatibility with

This script is the equivalent of for shell scripts. It can be useful in the rc scripts used by mk et al.

The key API is:

_mk_opt {yes,no} OPT

It sets MK_OPT to yes or no (the first argument is the default value) using the same logic as

A convenience API is:

_mk_opts {yes,no} OPT1 OPT2 OPT3/OPT2 ...

where groups of options preceded by their default value can be repeated as many times as desired. The OPT3/OPT2 case means that the default value for MK_OPT3 will be the value of MK_OPT2.

Another convenience API is:

_mk_cmdline_opts OPT ...

looks at the command line, specifically any -DWITH* or MK_*={yes,no} args and if they affect any of the listed options, evaluates them so that they can influence the result of _mk_opt. If the argument is '*' then all options are handled.

For example, if one of the rc scripts sourced by mk does:

_mk_cmdline_opts CCACHE DISTCC
_mk_opts no CCACHE DISTCC

( will set _MKOPT_SH=:, so the use of $_MKOPT_SH is a simple guard against including it more than once) then the command:


will cause not only MK_DISTCC=yes in the makefiles (assuming or is used), but in mk itself too.

This provides support for options like --sb-opt-KNOB={yes,no}.

It creates a file and arranges for $SB/.sandboxrc to include it.

If the arg is yes then will contain export WITH_KNOB=1 and export WITHOUT_KNOB=1 for no.

This works in conjunction with our or FreeBSD's to set MK_KNOB={yes,no} can be used at any time to update sbopt-*.inc. For example: AUTO_OBJ=yes DIRDEPS_BUILD=no

results in:

(cd $SB && egrep 'WITH|sbopt' sbopt*inc .sandboxrc) WITH_AUTO_OBJ=1 WITHOUT_DIRDEPS_BUILD=1
.sandboxrc:. ${SB}/
.sandboxrc:. ${SB}/

(cd $SB && egrep 'WITH|sbopt' sbopt*inc .sandboxrc) WITH_AUTO_OBJ=1 WITH_DIRDEPS_BUILD=1
.sandboxrc:. ${SB}/
.sandboxrc:. ${SB}/

Modern SCM's like GIT and Mercurial automatically paginate output from most (but not all) commands. Others like CVS and to a large extent SVN do not. This file provides wrapper functions to address that and paper over other failings like the lack of a revert command in CVS.

It can be read into a shell or other script to provide these functions, or it can be linked to the name scm and thus provide a generic wrapper - so you don't have to remember which SCM a given directory uses.

Simple and convenient option handling for shell scripts. It leverages the getopts builtin if available, but it adds several types of options. Given:





will be set to the argument of the last -s option.


will accumulate arguments of -a, that is -a can be repeated, the arguments will be separated by opt_dot (space). If no -a options are present, the value will be that set before the sourcing of


Is a boolean it will be set to 0 or 1 depending on whether -b was seen.


Will be blank or set to -c if that option was seen. This is convenient for passing options on to child processes.


Will accumulate any -l arguments, but these will be separated by opt_comma (,)


Requires an argument of the form var=val, which will be evaluated if opt_assign_eval is set to something other than no.

Provides test_opt to set variables like test_* to represent options supported by the command test (by default), which can then be used. For example:

test_opt L -h

will set test_L=-L if that works or test_L=-h otherwise.

Scripts can then use test $test_L to check for symlinks.


test_opt P '' . cd

will set cd_P=-P if cd supports that option.

Sandbox environment

There is only one variable that every sandbox has; SB which is set by tools like mk when they find the magic .sandbox-env marker. Everything else is totally up to you. Ok we also set SB_NAME to the basename of SB.

For projects that use bmake, I typically have:

export SB_MAKE=bmake
export OBJROOT=$SB/obj/
export SRCTOP=$SB/src
export MAKESYSPATH=$SRCTOP/share/mk

Note that OBJTOP and MAKEOBJDIR are single quoted so that they are seen like that by bmake. Recent FreeBSD uses a similar default for MAKEOBJDIR.

This allows us to ensure that each build uses the correct share/mk/*.mk files and we get nice neat object dirs outside of the src tree without the ugliness that MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX results in.

Such a setup even works well when shared via NFS. Though in that case we might make SB_OBJROOT point to a local filesystem for better performance.

For a project that used gmake I might have:

export SB_MAKE=gmake
export SRCTOP=$SB/src

assuming it used my (see gmake-dirdeps)

The variable SB_MAKE describes the flavor of make to be used (default is make), and in the above example we will use REAL_MAKE=${GMAKE:-gmake} by default.

Adding a project: hg-bmake

Below is an example of adding a project for mksb

The official bmake sources are still in CVS, (same as NetBSD) but I also keep a set of mercurial repositories for experimenting and tracking local changes (eg for FreeBSD).

The README.txt file in the top-level repository informs us:

This tree is for simplifying the testing of new bmake versions for FreeBSD and other local variants.

It also provides for ease of experimentation.


There are actually three hg repositories. A top level one that provides Makefile, and the scripts and to simplify the workflow.

The top level Makefile uses dirdeps to coordinate activity. When VERSION is set, it will set DIRDEPS=crufty only, otherwise DIRDEPS will be set to each of the sub-repos.

There are two more hg repositories below this one. Each one other than crufty has a Makefile.depend that sets DIRDEPS=crufty to ensure that is done first.


This represents the raw bmake distributions. For each new version of bmake we simply:

cd crufty
mk VERSION=$version

and the makefile there will unpack the tarball, take care of adding/deleting files as needed and prompt us to commit the result:

hg commit -m"bmake-$version"


This repository is cloned from crufty and tracks FreeBSD local changes. There are not many but they are important. This repo allows us to easily test bmake changes prior to importing into FreeBSD.

This is important, as I try to automate the actual import of bmake into FreeBSD to the extent possible (to reduce blunders).

I will build a candidate bmake in this repo first - noting any conflicts with the local changes, and use it to build the FreeBSD tree to be sure there are no surprises later.

The workflow is simple:

The script will pull updates from crufty, and deal with any conflicts and if all ok, commit the result.

If there are any conflicts we deal with them and then:

hg resolve -m $conflicted

and finally:

hg commit -m"Merge bmake-$version"

The script will build, test and install the result to $HOME/$HOST_TARGET/bin/make-$MAKE_VERSION and update the make symlink to point to that.

At work I have clones of all the above plus an additional one for changes local to that environment (very few these days). Again, this makes it easy for me to test new bmake versions before importing into the official internal repository.


This file can be included by .sandboxrc, put in $SB_TOOLS/mksb.d/hg-bmake.rc or just passed to mksb using --rc=$HOME/hg-bmake.rc

As noted above you can also do:

source_rc $HOME/mksb.d/*.rc

in $HOME/.sandboxrc which is what I do, so simply putting hg-bmake.rc in $HOME/mksb.d/ is all that is needed.

hg-bmake.rc contains a few functions which are added to hook lists. The first is hg_bmake_doc:

# remember how we were found

add_hooks doc_hooks hg_bmake_doc
add_hooks mksb_help_projects_hooks hg_bmake_doc
hg_bmake_doc() {
    extract_doc $hgbmake_rc
    return 0

This allows showing the documentation at the start of the file if someone does:

mksb --help=projects

and including it for either of:

mksb --doc
mksb --help

Then we have hg_bmake_project:

# setup for hg-bmake project
add_hooks mksb_project_hooks hg_bmake_project
hg_bmake_project() {
    case "$SB_PROJECT" in
    hg*bmake*) ;;               # us
    *) return 0;;               # not us

    # this isn't going to work if you are not sjg ;-)
    # this is where we track the raw bmake distribution

    case "${HOST:-`uname -n`}." in
    beast.*) # nothing to clone - we are the origin
    if [ -z "$SB_PRE_PATH" ]; then
    add_hooks mksb_env_finish_hooks hg_bmake_env
    $SKIP_CHECKOUT add_hooks mksb_checkout_hooks hg_bmake_clone

The variables like *OBJTOP and MAKEOBJDIR are exported to .sandbox-env as literals, so the variable references are seen by bmake and it can do its magic with them.

If mksb did not already do so, we would need to call expShellVarsLiteral with a list of variables to be exported as literals. Actually mksb does not itself touch OBJTOP but a function in mksb.rc does:

add_hooks mksb_env_finish_hooks mksb_env_finish
mksb_env_finish() {
    expShellVarsLiteral OBJTOP

Any variables which are in fact empty are ignored.

As noted this project is really only useful to myself, but it is much easier on various test machines to just:

mksb -n bmake -p hg-bmake
workon bmake
cd crufty/bmake

and of course it provides a useful example.

Above we see that hg_bmake_project will do nothing if SB_PROJECT is not some variant of hg*bmake*, otherwise it sets up the variables needed and adds hg_bmake_clone to mksb_checkout_hooks - this does the bulk of the work.

The setup is slightly complicated to ensure it works not only with the mksb setup here, but also the one at work where I track other variants in additional repositories.

We also add hg_bmake_env to mksb_env_finish_hooks:

hg_bmake_env() { AUTO_OBJ=yes META_MODE=yes

which just sets some knobs so we get automatic objdir creation and run bmake in meta mode.

As noted, the action happens in hg_bmake_clone:

hg_bmake_clone() {
    test -d src || $HG clone $HG_CLONE_URL src
    if test -d src; then
            cd src || return 1
            for x in $co_list
                test -d $x ||
                $HG clone $HG_CO_URL/$x
    return 0

The use of HG_CO_URL allows for some indirection - needed for those repositories at work.

When mksb runs mksb_checkout_hooks it passes any remaining arguments from the command line, so on a FreeBSD box we could use:

mksb -n bmake -p hg-bmake freebsd

and a hook in my mksb.rc would turn freebsd into co_list:

add_hooks mksb_checkout_init_hooks set_co_list
set_co_list() {
    return 0

thus when hg_bmake_clone is called we would clone the freebsd repository rather than the default crufty repository under src/.


An implementation of the above (without the .rc files) can be found at:
Revision:$Id: sb-tools.txt,v 97ce53c2bd3a 2025-02-22 17:03:19Z sjg $